Owners: Kyle W. & Mary Sue B.
I don’t know whether the summer of 2012 actually had more thunderstorms than usual or if it was just because of the severity of Nightsky’s newly developed (thunder fear) but it was miserable. He would pace and pant, couldn’t be soothed, was destructive to property and we were so afraid he would hurt himself. He wasn’t able to cooperate with a Thundershirt and we tried both prescription Valium and over the counter herbal remedies without success. When you called us and told us, while dog sitting, that you had found a soothing noise that allowed him not only to calm but call asleep, my partner said it was like (Christmas in July)!
We can testify that this was the only thing that allowed Nightsky [and us] some peace during thunderstorms. It worked night and day and it was life changing. Thank you!